3 Measures for Termite Infestation Prevention - Before & During Construction

Last updated: 22 Jan 2020  |  11541 Views  | 

3 Measures for Termite Infestation Prevention - Before & During Construction

The best practice to prevent termite infestation is to start the protection from the beginning.
3 suggestions for preventing termite infestation for before construction and during construction.

1. Spraying chemicals to coat the surface of the soil.
Spraying chemicals to cover the ground underneath the house before construction to create toxic environment therefore preventing the termites to pass through the area. This method can prevent termite infestation for 3 - 5 years depending on the quality of the chemicals the environment surrounding the area.

2. Install chemical piping system to prevent termite infestation
This is a highly effective prevention long term, and it is most commonly used nowadays.

3. Treated lumbers used in construction
All lumbers used in the construction should be treated with chemicals for termite infestation prevention. Several chemicals are used coat or heat pressure-treat the surface of the lumbers.

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